Sunday, May 10, 2009


I recently read a blog post by ISM Boston a travel & lifestyle marketing firm that brought up the topic of automation. Now, as Bob Minihan author of the blog said that consumers hate automation. This I believe for the majority of us can be agreed upon. What happens if automated posts do start appearing on Twitter? Given its 150 character limit it seems as if the platform was almost asking for it, but how will consumers, you and I respond? 

It is my belief that the majority of consumers will begin to phase Twitter out. Not all of Twitter, but at least the businesses who are only posting automated messages. If a businesses is not willing to listen to its consumers why should I listen to them? This fight can go on and on. 

As I said in my comment to Bob's post I understand that time is money and automated posting allows businesses to focus its efforts elsewhere maybe even on their customers, but then why bother using Twitter at all?? 

I love twitter I think it's a great medium to say a lot in only a few words. For example you can post a link to an article you found or blog post and people can find it you can make people aware without droning on as some tend to do in blogs including this one. 

There are so many people using these new social mediums today that businesses have to listen to us. An automated message is not listening. If you listen to your consumers and join them in conversation success will be much easier to attain, your consumers will provide you with the ideas and answers to your questions. Automated responses will be the end to businesses listening to consumers, once again they will be shrugging us off. 

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