Sunday, June 7, 2009

Senator Chris Dodd seeks ideas from "we the people" on health care reform

Senator Chris Dodd (D-Conn.) posted a brief youtube video   

asking for our ideas about health care reform. Finally a politician that took the time to reach out to the people. I've always been under the impression that as a politician it is your job to ask for the opinion of the people and to then express their views to your fellow members of congress... Anyway the idea behind the video is great ask the people what they think should be changed in our current health care system. But how many people really know anything about our health system or understand how it operates? 

I've done some research and there are compelling arguments from both sides: those that want a "single payer system" and those that want to keep health care as is aka "free market cure." Obviously there are pros and cons to everything so why not make the system a combination of private and government sponsored health care?  

Here's my thoughts on a new health care system: 

-Don’t make it mandatory, but offer free health care paid for by the government for all those under age 18. 
-College students will not have to pay for health care insurance during their years of enrollment.
-Offer more scholarship opportunities or an easier repayment plan for those attending medical school the 46 million uninsured, 7 million earn over 50k  9 million earn over 75k 
-Health insurance will COVER EVERYTHING
-Insurance companies will no longer tell hospitals what they are going to receive. Insurance companies will pay hospitals and its doctors for all expenses incurred.    
-Insurance fee according to tax bracket/income 
-Everyone will receive the same quality of care as members of congress, but will pay according to income (progressive tax). 
-->If you make less than $50k you are covered FREE?
Married couples based on individual income all offspring will be covered until 26th birthday. At this point you will pay a % according to your income.
-Health insurance policies are guaranteed for life, but you have the choice to switch insurance companies at the end of each calendar year, if you so choose.   
-If health care is put into a single payer system we will loose the quality and efficiency of our current system.
If you want health insurance and can afford to pay then you must pay, if it is determined by some elected agency that you cannot pay and you do want health insurance, you do not have to pay.
Include dental insurance as medical insurance under same plan.
-Those uninsured age 50+ are now covered under Medicare
-Medicare policies will cover all or discount prescriptions according to income  
-Medicare will pay for all or majority of surgery expenses.
--31-49k you are required to pay $X amt semi annually  
--50k plus it is your choice whether or not you want government health care or not

CHOICE: Unhealthy people are more likely to purchase health insurance because they anticipate large medical bills. On the other side, people who consider themselves to be reasonably healthy may decide that medical insurance is an unnecessary expense; if they see the doctor once a year and it costs $X, that's much better than making monthly insurance payments of $X. 

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