Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Obama to propose Oil and Gas Exploration of US East Coast


I am very opposed to any idea of drilling for oil off of any coastline. I am for alternative energy. Alternative energy is safer for humans (you & I) and it has the potential to employ hundreds of thousands, which means the unemployment numbers will drop... and hopefully the deficit will begin to decrease, but I'm not that optimistic. Alternative energy such as wind turbines which also can be installed offshore and don't come with the risk of an oil leak let alone a huge spill...

I hope I am not too naive when I say that I have confidence in American companies ability to understand that we don't have to extract oil 50miles off the coast of Virginia nor do we have to drill in the middle of the Gulf of Mexico. The fight for oil is an uphill battle and people need to let go. Or wake up your innovators and figure out a safer way to drill for oil in the middle of the Atlantic.

What happens if there is a spill?? You tell me. Comments & feedback welcomed!

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